Trauma and the body: Part 1

Trauma and the body: Part 1

Trauma and the body: Part 1 Why a post on Trauma and the Body? Despite the devastating effects trauma has on psychological well-being, trauma is a highly physiological state. Body memories can occur, and our Autonomic Nervous System gets re-programmed. This can lead...
Coping With Depression: Three Domains For Recovery

Coping With Depression: Three Domains For Recovery

Coping With Depression: Three Domains For Recovery Depression can often feel like signing a contract to live with painful emotions, negative thought processes, isolation and a future filled with misery. This contract can often feel like there is no way out, no...
Grounding Techniques #2 – Using Your Senses

Grounding Techniques #2 – Using Your Senses

Grounding Techniques #2 – Using Your Senses I hope those of you that have tried the grounding breathing useful. I have had confirmation that it has been helping people so that is great news. I recommend checking out and practising “Grounding Techniques #1” first. The...